But all those in the courtyard that night had either admired or actually been fond of their murdered liege lord, and it was going to be a distinct pleasure for them to see his killer die horribly. 但是当晚在院子里的人们不但对被害主公深怀敬仰,对主公喜爱关怀的也大有人在。谁都满怀快意看到杀人犯悲惨的死去。
Confucius tried by sound advice to bring his liege lord back to the path of duty, but in vain. 孔子受到中肯的意见,使他的诸侯领主回来的道路税,但都是徒劳的。
Blackwood settled in a high-backed chair. "For honor's sake I must ask about my liege lord." 布莱克伍德坐在一张高背椅上,“为着荣誉的缘故,我必须问问,我的主君怎样了?”